museum Hours // M-f 10am-5pm // s-s closed
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Plan Your Visit To The Materials Museum

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Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris mollis placerat enim quis varius. Curabitur vehicula metus eget suscipit pulvinar. Aenean eu eros odio. Sed lacinia semper nisl, at molestie velit elementum nec. Nullam molestie lobortis lectus. Vestibulum iaculis, purus vitae dapibus auctor, leo mauris rhoncus neque, non bibendum ex mi sit amet purus. In malesuada feugiat auctor. Fusce commodo, sem varius hendrerit varius, diam tellus maximus nisi, quis cursus mauris arcu sed ligula. Etiam elementum tortor vel diam rhoncus dignissim. Vivamus dignissim, elit at imperdiet tincidunt, nibh nulla consectetur mauris, sit amet consectetur neque leo eget orci. Pellentesque ac purus ac odio finibus ultricies. Phasellus semper diam eu tellus maximus gravida.

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Events + Programs
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April, 12, 2023 — 1pm-5pm — $10 Happy New Year Concert - International Speaker Brian Cornwell Materials Museum: 3838 Builder Way Longmont, CO 805040
Event Image
April, 12, 2023 — 1pm-5pm — $10 Happy New Year Concert - International Speaker Brian Cornwell Materials Museum: 3838 Builder Way Longmont, CO 805040
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What was the best and most affordable security system?

The title of the best and most affordable security system goes to SimpliSafe. We were able to build a home security system for under $200 (after factoring in the discounts), and monitoring cost us $17.99 to $27.99. Even though it’s affordable, SimpliSafe offers solid home security coverage with

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Energy use in buildings, and they influence end uses that make up about 43% of building energy use (Figure ES-1)


Energy use in buildings, and they influence end uses that make up about 43% of building energy use (Figure ES-1)


Energy use in buildings, and they influence end uses that make up about 43% of building energy use (Figure ES-1)

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    Authors + Contributors
    Brian Cornwell

    Brian Cornwell is a freelance journalist and a regular contributo to The New York Times on a variety of topics. nce journalist and a regular contributo to The New thing.

    Brian Cornwell

    Brian Cornwell is a freelance journalist and a regular contributo to The New York Times on a variety of topics. nce journalist and a regular contributo to The New thing.

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